Terms and Conditions


Material on this website is protected by copyright. Unless otherwise stated no part of this website may be reproduced or used for any purpose other than private personal use without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Copyright in all materials and/or works comprising or contained within this website remains with StepUp Learn. Any unauthorised copying, publication or reproduction of the content of this website is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright.

Re-use of logo and/or content

Any unauthorised copying, publication or reproduction of the content of this website is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright. If you would like to find out whether you can be given permission to use our logo or editorial which appears on this site, please contact:info@stepuplearn.com


StepUp Learn has tried to ensure that the contents of this website are accurate. However, StepUp Learn will not accept liability for any loss or damage or convenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this website. Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. StepUp Learn does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via the website is accurate, complete or up to date. Price and availability of information is subject to change without notice.

StepUp Learn will not be liable (to the fullest extent permitted at law) for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this site.

StepUp Learn takes no responsibility for the contents of linked websites and links should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. StepUp Learn has no control over the availability of the linked pages.

Endorsement and accuracy of information

StepUp Learn does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any information posted, or endorse any opinions expressed. Any reliance on material posted will be at your own risk. You agree not to hold StepUp Learn responsible for any messages posted on our forum that may contradict our terms, and that you will not consider legal action against us.

Data protection and privacy

StepUp Learn will only collect, process and store information we have openly collected from you or with your consent, in accordance with data protection laws.

Data protection and privacy

However, there are exceptions to this rule where information can be shared without the user's consent (sometimes referred to as breaching confidentiality). Information about a user can be shared under the following circumstances:

StepUp Learn is also able to view and block your IP address if you break the forum guidelines or these terms and condition.

Contempt of Court

Do not post any details regarding court proceedings (whether criminal or civil). Whilst the forum can allow people to discuss “treatment” in family courts we cannot allow discussions on actual details of a case as this could affect the case.
Do not post a comment which could damage the reputation of a named organisation or individual – this is called libel and is against the law.

Safeguarding children

StepUp Learn is clear that even if a child is not being directly hurt, witnessing physical, verbal and emotional abuse can have a serious detrimental effect on him/her. StepUp Learn aims to give each woman space to explore her options and support her to make safe choices for her and her children.
However, if we consider a child is at risk we have a duty to take appropriate action to minimise the risk of harm. This may include working with an advisor to contact Children's Services or, where necessary, making a referral ourselves.

Your username is just for you

Please note that each User account is specifically intended for that one User alone. Usernames, which cause offence, will not be accepted.

Contacting a moderator

If you need to contact us with a message board query please allow at least 48 - 72 hours for any response. When contacting a moderator make sure you use an email address that we can safely reply to. If this is different to your registered address please tell us your registered address in the email.

To contact us, please email info@stepuplearn.com

Respect others

We ask that everyone who posts makes the effort to respect all other views and does not to attempt to force any personal views onto others. We expect those who post to accept others' comments in the way they are meant, as in support and information sharing.

Private messaging

WARNING - These conversations will not be moderated by StepUp Learn so we ask that you respect the guidelines of the forum and be extremely careful about sharing any identifying information or details of court cases.

You agree to respect the privacy and wishes of those users who you have been privately messaging. You must not pass on details to third parties (except StepUp Learn) without permission.

By sending or receiving a private message you consent to that message being viewed by StepUp Learn or its representatives, where StepUp Learn have been notified of a problem or a breach of these Terms and Conditions.

If someone is being abusive, breaking the forum guidelines, or terms and conditions you can report this behaviour by taking a screenshot of the message and emailing it to the moderator: info@stepuplearn.com

Posting a link

Links are allowed on the forum, but only for the purpose of sharing useful information about education. Links are not allowed for other purposes outside the context of this subject area. Where third party websites are linked to and from this website, we do not endorse or have any responsibility for such other websites or their contents.

Posting links to blogs

Whilst we make every effort to ensure the safety of all forum members we cannot extend that to other parts of the web, and cannot allow the promotion of anything that could identify you or others.

Deleting and editing of posts

You agree that StepUp Learn has the right to edit, censor, delete or otherwise modify any posted message.

You will have 5 mins to edit any of your posts after you have posted them but you can delete or “Trash” your own posts at any time. You cannot delete topics so will have to contact the moderator if you wish to have these removed.

Removal of objectionable messages

Any member who feels that a posted message is objectionable must contact one of the moderators immediately. Moderators have the ability to remove objectionable messages and they will make every effort to do so within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, so they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.

Spamming, flaming or advertising is not permitted

Any form of advertising, either commercial or private, or any commercial messages are not permitted on this forum. If you are not sure please check with the moderators. Inappropriate content.

You must ensure that any material submitted by you will not (a) infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; (b) breach any applicable law, whether criminal, or otherwise; or (c) be defamatory, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, harassing, threatening.

Off-topic messages

The forum is for the sole purpose of victims supporting each other through discussion. As a charity, we need to focus our funds in the best way possible, and therefore cannot offer staff time in moderating messages that are general chat. This includes discussions about activities taking place on other forums/social networks; we do not hold any responsibility for activities on other networks, do not recommend or endorse other forums, and as such cannot dedicate staff time to them. Any such threads will be removed.

Complaints procedure

Please send all complaints to the moderator via the email address, info@stepuplearn.com Any member posting complaints on the forum instead of following the Complaints Procedure will be deemed to have breached the Terms of the User Agreement and will risk having their account closed.

By registering for this forum you are deemed to have agreed and understood the above and you indemnify StepUp Learn from any resulting damage.

StepUp Learn may change or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice to you, by posting changes online. Please review these Terms and Conditions regularly. Continued use of the Forum after changes to the Terms and Conditions are posted means you agree to be legally bound by the updated Terms and Conditions.

Last updated 2024.